Welcome to my blog

I hope you enjoy the visual and emotional impact of these examples of Australian art and ceramics as much as I do. Whilst many are under copyright I have attributed the source wherever possible (and I remember).

Monday, March 1, 2010

My favorite aboriginal art centre

Tjungu Palya!
("Good together")
The colours just blow me away.
Hard to believe these are painted at a tiny settlement, 100km southwest of Uluru. These examples include paintings by Maringka Baker, David Miller, Ginger Wikilyiri (the latter courtesy Vivien Anderson gallery)


  1. Thanks for your posts on Aboriginal art. I am rally sharing your enthousiasme with thos new emerging communities.

    Best regards,

  2. Thanks Bertrand, Its always a pleasure to hear from like minded people out there- Sometimes I feel there are not many of us!

  3. Hello again,

    That's true. Few people were payng attention in quality works as you are mentionning on your website.

    I am living in Europe and can confirm you that the interest for Aboriginal art is growing around me in France, Belgium, Holland, Germany...

    Thanks to stress your enthousiam about.
    Best regards,

