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I hope you enjoy the visual and emotional impact of these examples of Australian art and ceramics as much as I do. Whilst many are under copyright I have attributed the source wherever possible (and I remember).

Monday, January 24, 2011

Henryk Szydlowski

Recently saw some work by a Polish-Australian artist, Henryk-Szydlowski
There was something really attractive and compelling about it, which does not show up so well on-line. The colours were jewel like, luminous, the style picasso/kandinsky-esque. (I am sure there is a more elegant way to put that) To my untrained eye  they look simultaneously "retro" yet contemporary.. Here are some examples of works sold at auction; Lawson-menzies & Leonard Joel over the last few years.. I might watch out for the next one!


  1. I really like these, they remind me a bit of Miro. Also looking at your other posts, have you ever seen Picasso's ceramics, they are amazing1

  2. No! thanks- I will go looking..and you are right about Miro.
