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I hope you enjoy the visual and emotional impact of these examples of Australian art and ceramics as much as I do. Whilst many are under copyright I have attributed the source wherever possible (and I remember).

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Merric Boyd at the MPRG, 9/12/10

Here are some images from the exhibition earlier mentioned, "White Gums and Ramoxes", featuring ceramics and watercolours from the Bundonon Trust and including a sculpture of Merric's famous son Arthur as a boy.

Apologies for the poor quality- they were taken surreptitiously with my phone, but I think they show a good sample of Merric's work. Especially loved the alert, mildly surprised koala sitting on the edge of a beautiful windswept tree pot.

The real revelation was the ceramics by Arthur Boyd however and when I get the chance I will post some more pics..


  1. Great post--these pieces are beautiful indeed.

  2. Thankyou. And thanks so much for sharing your beautiful collection- I think you understand the obsession!
