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I hope you enjoy the visual and emotional impact of these examples of Australian art and ceramics as much as I do. Whilst many are under copyright I have attributed the source wherever possible (and I remember).

Saturday, September 11, 2010

More Klytie..

Further to my last entry I find I am increasingly fascinated by Klytie Pate's pottery. Serves me right really- I bought that first vase thinking I could sell it and buy what I really wanted and instead I got hooked on it. Shapes and colours are clearly visible in online pics but what you don't see is the sensual, tactile nature of the pottery. I have bought three items since my last entry; A beautiful exhibition sized bowl with a startling yellow interior and an external incised magnolia design highlighted in gold lustre, which is not unlike a similar example at the powerhouse museum that has been dated 1940-1950.

This was followed by a hilariously sinuous coffee pot with a "cats ear" lid which just makes me think of Dr Seuss. I fell in love with it at the Amanda Addams auction viewing but thought it was out of my price range. Then it appeared on ebay within my range. I think it was meant to be mine!
The handle is broken and poorly repaired but do I care? Well, maybe a little- I am yet to get a quote on a professional repair, its too scary.

Finally a jug, smooth, fine, not bothered by a fussy handle, which just makes you want to stroke it..